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Creating Command


Creating Console Commands


Craft is the name of the console interface in cygnite. It makes your job easy creating custom commands. It also provides you various inbuilt commands for developing an application. Craft driven by powerful Symfony console component. Typically your commands are stored in the src/Apps/Console/Commands/ folder, however you are free to change the default path.

Listing Available Commands

You may wish to view all available commands in your application. To display list of available Craft commands, you may use list command.

 php craft list

You may also wish to see usage of any particular command, such cases you can simply pass help parameter before the command name as below.

 php craft help app:greet

In the above example app:greet is the command name. It will display the usage of app:greet command.

Creating A Command

You can create your own custom commands and register them to the application. To register you can simply specify the command class name in the array stack in src\Apps\Console\BootStrap.php file. Each command class must extends \Cygnite\Console\Command\Command class, the class should have a method called process/handle where you can write your logic. The command class should have name, description, and arguments properties which should be filled. And the configure method where you can specify the help message for your command.

Let us take a look at an example command.

 namespace Apps\Console\Commands;

 use Cygnite\Console\Command\Command;
 use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument;

 class GreetCommand extends Command
     * Specify your command name
     * @var string
    protected $name = 'app:greet';

     * Describe command
     * @var string
    protected $description = 'My First Awesome Console Command!';

     * Console command arguments
     * @var array
    protected $arguments = [
        ['name', null, InputArgument::OPTIONAL, null],

     * Set help message for the command, this is optional method
     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function configure()
                The <info>greet</info> command is application console command
                <info>cygnite app:greet</info>

     * Execute the command
     * @return mixed|void
    public function process()
        $name = $this->argument('name');

        $this->info("Hello $name!!".PHP_EOL);

Each commands are resolved via Ioc container, meaning that its automatically inject all dependencies type-hinted in the constructor. For example below:

 public function __construct(\Apps\Models\User $user)
    show($user); // Will display the object of User model

Note: If you define your own constructor in your command class, you MUST call parent::construct() from within it.

Registering Your Command

You must register the newly created command in order to access via console. You need to specify the command namespace in the src/Apps/Console/BootStrap.php file, in the commands property as below.

namespace Apps\Console;

use Cygnite\Console\CraftApplication;

 * Class Bootstrap
 * @package Apps\Console
class Bootstrap extends CraftApplication
     * Add craft console commands in the array stack
     * @var array
    protected $commands = [

    public function __construct($version)

     * We will register all console commands here
     * @return array
    public function setCommands()

     * Run registered commands
     * @return $this|void
    public function run()


        return $this;

Running Your Command

To call this command, run from console/terminal:

 cd var/www/cygnite/console/bin

 php craft app:greet Sanjoy 

It will display the output:

 Hello Sanjoy!!


While working with console commands it is common that getting input from the user. Arguments can be required, value none, optional, and/or arrays. Argument type expectation must be set in arguments property.

Required argument:

     * Console command arguments
     * @var array
    protected $arguments = [
        ['name', null, InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'Who do you want to greet?'],

    // php craft app:greet sanjoy 

Optional argument:

     * Console command arguments
     * @var array
    protected $arguments = [
        ['last_name', null, InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'Your last name?'],

    // php craft app:greet sanjoy
    // php craft app:greet sanjoy dey

Array argument:

     * Console command arguments
     * @var array
    protected $arguments = [
        ['names', null, InputArgument::IS_ARRAY, 'Separate multiple names with a comma.'],

    // php craft app:greet sanjoy,john,fabien 

Retrieving Input Argument

You can access console arguments and options of your command.

    $name = $this->argument('name'); // Retrieve name argument

    $names = $this->argument(); // Retrieve all arguments as array

Similar as argument method, you may call option method to get all the options parameters as array:

    $option = $this->option('color'); // Retrieve option argument

    $options = $this->option(); // Retrieve all options as array

Calling Console Helpers

    $formatter = $this->helper('formatter');

Read more: Symfony Console Helpers

Asking For Input

    $name = $this->ask('What is your name?');

Asking For Confirmation

  if ($this->confirm('Do you wish to continue? [y|n]')) {

Writing Output

You may use different methods to send output to the console screen, such as info, write, comment, question, error etc.

  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
  public function handle()
     $this->info('Display number of items in the console.'); // Information message

     $this->error('Something went wrong!'); // To display error message

     $this->comment('Awesome!!'); //Write as comment string.

     $this->write('Display this in the console.'); //Write as standard string output

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